Publisher: Simon Pulse
Source: Traveling ARC Tours
Publication Date: 07 September 2010
Series or Standalone: Standalone
ISBN: 1416996095
Format: Paperback
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Place(s) Traveled to: Sharon, Oregon
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
First Line: The statue has got to go.
Losing Faith is the sort of book that is perfect for a lazy day of reading. Its great for sitting out on the balcony, curling up on the couch on a winter’s night or relaxing on the beach. Its not a book that is filled with car chases or gunfights or overly intrinsic plots. Its a book that is filled with following words that you just fall into. The plot itself is a bit slow moving but I loved the beauty of the words and so I didn’t mind that it took awhile for events to develop. I also didn’t think that the cult in the synopsis was an actual cult – although it certainly has the earmarks of the beginning of a cult. Hey, even cults don’t grow to David Koresch bigness overnight.
I really loved the character of Brie. She was a genuine girl who was dealing with the loss of a sister and only really got to know her after it was too late. As with many Young Adult books Brie’s parents were almost non-existant but they were seen on the peripherals. But what you saw of them showed that they each dealt with the grief and horror of losing a child in very realistic ways. Which left Brie in a weird state of limbo. It also didn’t help that those Brie thought of as friends weren’t really friends and those that Brie didn’t were the ones that provided a pillar of strength. Also, a special shout out to Alistair (aka Alis) who is a wonderfully sweet boy that I think many will swoon over.
There were some scenes that were cliched but over all there was a realism to the story that its hard not to enjoy the prose of the words. Losing Faith is a story about love, loss, and having faith in the world around you. Its a story that reminds you how easy it is to lose track of those that we should be closest to and so hopefully those that read Losing Faith take it to heart that people are only here for a brief moment and you should hold tight to your loved ones for as long as you can. I really enjoyed Losing Faith and its one that I will be recommending to others.